I’ve been using Bully Crew CBD for years and my older dog just recently tore ligaments in his leg. The regular CBD was fantastic in keeping him calm and relaxed and out of pain, but the mushroom combination for his joints was life-changing. In one week he wasn’t limping and we are able to get him a little rehabilitated before he needs surgery. Also, both of my dogs allergies have been completely nonexistent since the regular daily use, and that was one thing we never could get under control! I highly recommend it for everyone! If you don’t care about yourself at least care about your pets! It’s amazing for humans and pets alike! I will keep everyone updated on the progress I make with CBD and Healing my injured guy!
Love this product so much! It really help both Gordo and I survived the long cold winter and now the inconsistency weather transition to spring. Really a must have!!
It works so good to grow Gordo’s bald patch on his tail! I’m so happy to see the progress.. and love Gordo’s moist and shiny snoot now because of the balm
My dogs are getting the 5 in 1 Blend Mushroom Tincture CBD Free daily! I give them 2 dropper fulls on their evening food. I'm confident in this company, and feel good doing good for my dogs! The health benefits give me the peace of mind I'm dong right for them. I highly recommend this product!
I started both of my German Shepherds on the 5 in 1 Mushroom Tincture. The benefits are to good to pass up.....I just add 2 dropper fulls to their morning meal and they seem to enjoy it!